Is there something a Studebaker Coupe Delivery version?

January 1, 1997 | By Richard Prince


l swear that my father in law, who was a florist in the St. Louis area, had what was then called a Studebaker Coupe Delivery during World War II. This was a Studebaker car with a pickup truck box on the rear. Everybody I describe this to looks at me like I’m a few cards short of a full deck. If you know anything about this type of vehicle, please print it so I can have something to show the naysayers to prove I'm not nuts.


Well, I’m not sure that this constitutes an attestation concerning your sanity, but the vehicle you describe did in fact exist. A company called Edwards Iron Works of South Bend, Indiana, manufactured what resembled a pickup truck bed that could be fastened into the trunk area of 1940 Studebaker Champion coupes. This conversion kit was dealer-installed and retailed for $26.50.